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When you look towards the sun, consider how much brighter and more beautiful your soul is than it, if you are in the favour of the Creator; and if not in a state of grace, think that it is blacker and more abominable than the darkness of Hell.

When you raise your eyes to the heavens above you, let the eyes of your mind pierce through it to the Heaven of heavens, and there fix yourself in thought as in the place prepared for your eternal and most blessed resting-place, if you live innocently on earth.

If you hear the songs of birds, or other sweet strains, lift up your mind to the songs of Paradise, where sounds the endless Alleluia; and pray the Lord to make you meet to praise Him for ever, in union with those heavenly spirits.

If the beauty of a creature fascinates you, remember that the serpent of Hell lies hidden beneath it, anxious and ready to kill or at least wound you, and say to him—"Ah, accursed serpent, with what subtlety dost thou lay wait to devour me!" Then turn to God and say—"Blessed be Thou, my God, Who hast discovered to me the secret enemy, and rescued me from his ravenous jaws!" After this, fly at once from the allurement to the Wounds of your Crucified Lord, and let your mind be occupied with them, musing upon the great things your