Page:Spring and all - William Carlos Williams.djvu/41

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the bunch of grapes is part of the handle of the guitar, the mountain and sea are obviously not "the mountain and sea", but a picture of the mountain and the sea. All drawn with admirable simplicity and excellent design—all a unity—

This was not necessary where the subject of art was not "reality" but related to the "gods"—by force or otherwise. There was no need of the "illusion" in such a case since there was none possible where a picture or a work represented simply the imaginative reality which existed in the mind of the onlooker. No special effort was necessary to cleave where the cleavage already existed.

I don't know what the Spanish see in their Velasquez and Goya but

Today where everything is being brought into sight the realism of art has bewildered us, confused us and forced us to re-invent in order to retain that which the older generations had without that effort.


The only realism in art is of the imagination. It is only thus that the work escapes plagiarism after nature and becomes a creation