Page:Spring and all - William Carlos Williams.djvu/83

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therefore can never be discovered by its analomitization.

It is for this reason that I have always placed art first and esteemed it over science—in spite of everything.

Art is the pure effect of the force upon which science depends for its reality—Poetry

The effect of this realization upon life will be the emplacement of knowledge into a living current—which it has always sought—

In other times—men counted it a tragedy to be dislocated from sense—Today boys are sent with dullest faith to technical schools of all sorts—broken, bruised

few escape whole—slaughter. This is not civilization but stupidity—Before entering knowledge the integrity of the imagination—

The effect will be to give importance to the sub-divisions of experience—which today are absolutely lost—There exists simply nothing.

Prose—When values are important, such—For example there is no use denying that prose and poetry