Page:Squaring the circle a history of the problem (IA squaringcirclehi00hobsuoft).djvu/20

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department of Science involves a continually increasing amount of rationalization. In Geometry the passage from a purely empirical treatment to the setting up of a rational Science proceeded by much more rapid stages than in other cases. We have in the Greek Geometry, known to us all through the presentation of it given in that oldest of all scientific text books, Euclid's Elements of Geometry, a treatment of the subject in which the process of rationalization has already reached an advanced stage. The possibility of solving a particular problem of determination, such as the one we are contemplating, as a problem of rational Geometry, depends upon the postulations that are made as to the allowable modes of determination of new geometrical elements by means of assigned ones. The restriction in practical Geometry to the use of specified instruments has its counterpart in theoretical Geometry in restrictions as to the mode in which new elements are to be determined by means of given ones. As regards the postulations of rational Geometry in this respect there is a certain arbitrariness corresponding to the more or less arbitrary restriction in practical Geometry to the use of specified instruments.

The ordinary obliteration of the distinction between abstract and physical Geometry is furthered by the fact that we all of us, habitually and almost necessarily, consider both aspects of the subject at the same time. We may be thinking out a chain of reasoning in abstract Geometry, but if we draw a figure, as we usually must do in order to fix our ideas and prevent our attention from wandering owing to the difficulty of keeping a long chain of syllogisms in our minds, it is excusable if we are apt to forget that we are not in reality reasoning about the objects in the figure, but about objects which are their idealizations, and of which the objects in the figure are only an imperfect representation. Even if we only visualize, we see the images of more or less gross physical objects, in which various qualities irrelevant for our specific purpose are not entirely absent, and which are at best only approximate images of those objects about which we are reasoning.

It is usually stated that the problem of squaring the circle, or the equivalent one of rectifying it, is that of constructing a square of an area equal to that of the circle, or in the latter case of constructing a straight line of length equal to that of the circumference, by a method which involves the use only of the compass and of the ruler as a single straight-edge. This mode of statement, although it indicates roughly the true statement of the problem, is decidedly defective in