Page:Squaring the circle a history of the problem (IA squaringcirclehi00hobsuoft).djvu/32

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The truth of the theorem is then inferred by shewing that a contrary assumption leads to a contradiction.

A study of the works of Archimedes, now rendered easily accessible to us in Sir T. L. Heath's critical edition, is of the greatest interest not merely from the historical point of view but also as affording a very instructive methodological study of rigorous treatment of problems of determination of limits. The method by which Archimedes and other Greek Mathematicians contemplated limit problems impresses one, apart from the geometrical form, with its essentially modern way of regarding such problems. In the application of the method of exhaustions and its extensions no use is made of the ideas of the infinite or the infinitesimal; there is no jumping to the limit as the supposed end of an essentially endless process, to be reached by some inscrutable saltus. This passage to the limit is always evaded by substituting a proof in the form of a reductio ad absurdum, involving the use of inequalities such as we have in recent times again adopted as appropriate to a rigorous treatment of such matters. Thus the Greeks, who were however thoroughly familiar with all the difficulties as to infinite divisibility, continuity, &c., in their mathematical proofs of limit theorems never involved themselves in the morass of indivisibles, indiscernibles, infinitesimals, &c., in which the Calculus after its invention by Newton and Leibnitz became involved, and from which our own text books are not yet completely free.

The essential rigour of the processes employed by Archimedes, with such fruitful results, leaves, according to our modern views, one point open to criticism. The Greeks never doubted that a circle has a definite area in the same sense that a rectangle has one; nor did they doubt that a circle has a length in the same sense that a straight line has one. They had not contemplated the notion of non-rectifiable curves, or non-quadrable areas; to them the existence of areas and lengths as definite magnitudes was obvious from intuition. At the present time we take only the length of a segment of a straight line, the area of a rectangle, and the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped as primary notions, and other lengths, areas, and volumes we regard as derivative, the actual existence of which in accordance with certain definitions requires to be established in each individual case or in particular classes of cases. For example, the measure of the length of a circle is defined thus: A sequence of inscribed polygons is taken so that the number of sides increases indefinitely as the sequence proceeds, and such that the length of the greatest side of the polygon diminishes