Page:Squaring the circle a history of the problem (IA squaringcirclehi00hobsuoft).djvu/59

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Let the other roots be denoted by ; these may be real or complex. If be any rational fraction, we have


If now we have a sequence of rational fractions converging to the value as limit, but none of them equal to , and if be one of these fractions,

approximates to the fixed number


We may therefore suppose that for all the fractions ,

is numerically less than some fixed positive number . Also

is an integer numerically ≥ 1; therefore


This must hold for all the fractions of such a sequence, from and after some fixed element of the sequence, for some fixed number . If now a number can be so defined such that, however far we go in the sequence of fractions , and however be chosen, there exist fractions belonging to the sequence for which , it may be concluded that cannot be a root of an equation of degree with integral coefficients. Moreover, if we can shew that this is the case whatever value may have, we conclude that cannot be a root of any algebraic equation with rational coefficients.

Consider a number
