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Victor-Victrola XV4, $200

Mahogany or quartered oak

The instrument by which the value of all musical instruments is measured.

Other styles


The complete line
of Victor-Victrolas

Each year has witnessed important improvements in the development of these wonderful musical instruments, and with the complete line now on exhibition and sale at all Victor dealers, it is certainly well worth your time to at least see and hear them. In no other way can you fully inform yourself so easily.

Any Victor dealer in any city in the world will gladly play any musicyou wish to hear and demonstrate to you the Victor-Victrola.

Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. U.S.A.

Starfish Pie

How would you like a piece for Thanksgiving dinner? Sounds sort of queer and seaweedy, does n’t it?

Well, that ’s just one of Peter's funny ideas. You really won’t have to eat it.

Peter and Polly Ponds are having a strange kind of Thanksgiving Day, are n’t they? Just look at the picture, and then look out of the window

and see the gray clouds and the chilly wind whirling the dead leaves around, and maybe a few flakes of snow coming down, That is, unless you have the luck to live in southern California, where Polly and Peter are now.

Well to get back to our pie. It was almost hot Thursday morning—it was hot in the sun, and they were taking their morning splash on Coronado Beach. Polly had a lapful of oranges—she never could get enough of them, and in California you just pick ’em off the trees and nobody says “boo!”

All of a sudden Peter held up something he'd found in the shallow water.

“Oh, Polly,” he cried, “see the starfish! Say, I ’ve got an idea! Let’s have some starfish pie for dinner.”

“Peter,” said Polly, “you‘re never thinking of anything but eating. You ought to be ashamed, and, anyway, that ‘s a nasty, horrid idea. Mince-pie ’s the only kind I like on ‘Thanksgiving.”

“Well,” replied Peter, “you need n’t be huffy about it. Look at those oranges you 've got. And I was just joking. Let ’s hurry and get back to Aunt Carrie's. I ’m getting as sunburnt as I can be, and I ’m awful hungry.”

“Don’t you worry about sunburn,” cried Polly, “here ’s your sample bottle of


Just put some right on, and it won't hurt a bit. I knew you would forget it.”

“No, I did n't,” said Peter, “I never forget it. I knew you had it all the time. I would n’t go anywhere without it. It’s the best thing on earth for any kind of burns, cuts, or bumps.”

“All right,” answered Polly; “good for you. And hurry up!—I can just smell that turkey now!”

If you boys and girls want a sample bottle of Pond’s Extract like Polly and Peter always carry with them, just write to Pond’s Extract Company

131 Hudson Street - - New York

Talcum Powder Toilet Soap~Pond’s Extract