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The Squareness of Neil Morris.

By Henry Gardner Hunting.

“Mother I ‘ve got a job!”

Neil Morris burst into the little sitting-room from the storm outside like a small missile hurled by the wind itself through the door on that cold October day,

Mrs. Morris looked up with a smile. “A job, Neil? Who has hired you?”

“Dr. Ferris. He’s going away, and he ’s going to give me three dollars a week to sweep his barn floor every morning while he ’s gone. It ’s got to be swept every morning before seven o’clock, and I’ve got to sweep first east, then west, a’ternately.”

“Alternately, you mean, Neil,” said his mother. Then she smiled. “But what did you say? East and west alternately? Do you mean one morning east and the next morning west? The doctor has been joking with you, Neil, He’s always joking, you know.”

“No, he has n't, mother, He wrote it all down. He wrote it in dupercut. We signed two copies, I ’ve got mine here.”

Mrs. Morris smiled again while Neil pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket.

“Why do you attempt such big words, Neil? I suppose you mean duplicate, don't you?”

“Mm!” said Neil. “Dupereut.”

He stood on one foot and leaned against his mother’s chair while he and his sister Edith listened as Mrs. Morris read bis contract aloud:

“It is hereby agreed between John Ferris and Neil Allen Morris, signers hereto, that said Neil Allen Morris, in consideration of the sum of three dollars per week, to be paid only as hereinafter specified, shall sweep the floor of a barn owned by said John Ferris and situated upon his home premises in the village of Pentwater, each and every morning, excepting only Sundays, commencing the last Monday in October, 190—, and ending the first Saturday in April, 190—, inclusive; said sweeping to be entirely completed with thoroughness and neatness each morning before the hour of seven o’clock, and to be performed as follows: On the first morning he shall sweep altogether in an easterly direction; on the second, altogether in a westerly direction, and so on, alternately, each day (except Sundays) during the life of this contract.

“Said John Ferris hereby binds himself to pay the specified wages of said Neil Allen Morris, in a lump sum, within one week after the expiration of specified period, provided each and every provision of this contract has been carefully and exactly observed and carried out by said Neil Allen Morris,

“It is further agreed, however, that if for any reason whatever, sickness only excepted, said Neil Allen Morris fails to fulfil, in every particular and to the letter, his part in this contract, he thereby forfeits every right to and claim upon any remuneration whatever for his labor, without regard to any other consideration.

“In agreement whereto we have this day set our hands and seals,

John Ferris. (Seal)
Neil Allen Morris. (Seal)

“Oct 7, 190—

“Why, Neil,” laughed his mother, “how very businesslike! Dr. Ferris is the queerest old gentleman I know. But do you realize what you have promised to do?”

“Yes, ’m—sweep the barn every morning before seven o'clock, one morning east and the next morning west. And if I don’t do it just exactly so for the whole time, he is n’t going to pay me at all.”

Mrs, Morris’s face grew more grave, “I think you understand well enough,” she said; “but that is a hard contract, Neil. You very seldom get up before seven o’clock.”

“I will get up; I promised him, and I will.”