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A Strange Pocket-book
great uneasiness, but his daughter felt that her father was all bravery and that nothing could harm her under his care.

And nothing did harm them, although along the path through a big woods lay mail strewn by the escaping guerrillas,

They reached Louisville in safety. In spite of the fact that they were to be there but for the day, Sarah’s father took her to a hotel. On reaching their room, he gravely told her to take off her dress; and not being accustomed to questioning him, she wonderingly obeyed. Reaching out his hand for the dress and opening his knife, he began to rip the skirt from its lining; and to our little lady’s astonished eves appeared bank-note after bank-note, amounting to thousands of dollars. Her mother had carefully sewed them in her skirt the night before, that the money which her father had to take from his bank for deposit in the city might be carried in safety from the guerrillas.

This was the end of an adventure, but the very beginning of a romance; for that day Sarah met the young man whom in after years she married; and the long drive, which might very easily have proved so disastrous to her, was in the end worth a good husband and many years of happiness,

Child Life in China and Japan

By Bertha Runkle.

The Chinese New Year

Except at the Chinese New Year, which comes in February, it is Very hard to catch a glimpse of children in China. Little beggars will run beside you for miles to earu one “cash,” a copper coin with a square hole in the middle of it, worth the twentieth of a cent; but children who have parents to care for them seem to be kept indoors all the time, or only allowed to play in walled yards and gardens. We used to say ta each other, “Why, where are the