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Hetty Macdonald’s Birthday Party

“Dearest, darling mother,” she cried, “how good you were! I did n’t deserve it! I had been such a sinner! But it was the beautifullest real party! How did you ever manage it?”

Not a word did Mrs. Macdonald say about the plans she had given up for that Saturday afternoon, or the economies she must practise to make up for the unusual expense.

“Virginia was in the parlor pounding out to-steps hile the girls bobbed about the room, under the impression that they were dancing.”

“Well, we did have to fly round,” she said cheerfully; “but we are so glad it was such a success, for your sake, dear.”

“I ’ll never ask for any more parties again as long as I live,” said Hetty, contritely.

“Oh, yes, you will, for a good many, I hope. Never neglect, though, to consult your mother first, for you may be sure that if it is possible and she thinks it wise, you can always depend upon her permission and help.