Page:St. Nicholas (serial) (IA stnicholasserial321dodg).pdf/484

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Two Sides of Ye Hedge;

or, Ye Sorry Aim of Ye Medieval Archer.

(A Valentine Tragedy.)

By Frederick Richardson

Ye archer:
With a low whistle and an archer’s craft
I ’ll fit ye valentine unto this shaft,”

Ye faire mayde:
‘Tis Percival, my archer love, I wot!”

’T was aimed with care, and my love-shaft, I trow,
Straight to her hand—and to her heart—will go.”

A valentine his trusty bow hath shot!”

Gadzooks!” cries Percival. ‘Alack! what ’s up?
I ’ve missed ye fair one, and have hit ye pup”

A valentine his trusty bow hath shot!”

A murrain on my hand and brain so stupid!
I ‘ll ne’er again attempt to rival Cupid!”

Ye ancient dame:
  “Young lady, to thy turret chamber speed,
  Whilst I this varlet’s ‘doggerel’ will read!”