Page:St. Nicholas - Volume 41, Part 1.djvu/319

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(The entire contents of this Magazine are covered by the general copyright, and articles must not be reprinted without special permission.)


Frontispiece. The Magic Cup. Painted by Arthur Rackham. page
The Magic Cup. Verse Arthur Guiterman 289
Hans and the Dancing Shoes. Story Mary E.Jackson 290
Illustrated by Herbert Paus.
My Friends the Grizzlies.. Sketch Enoch J. Mills 294
Illustrated by Charles Livingston Bull.
Eight O'Clock. Verse Margaret Widdemer 298
“Fairy Tales” Pictures. From the paintings by J. J. Shannon
The Runaway Allen French 300
Illustrated by C. M. Relyea
The Telephone. Verse. Ethel M. Kelley 307
Illustrated by Charles M. Relyea
The Story Corner. Sketch Sarah Comstock 308
Illustrations from photographs.
“Strange, But True!” Verse Charles Lincoln Phifer 314
“Boo-hoo! He 's Got My Snowball!” Picture. Drawn by Donald McKee 314
The Lucky Stone. Serial Story Abbie Farwell Brown 316
Illustrated by R. B. Birch
The Finishing Touch. Picture. Drawn by John Edwin Jackson 322
The Ostrich and the Tortoise. Verse D. K. Stevens 323
Illustrated by George O. Butler.
Under the Blue Sky: Bob-sledding and Skating. Sketch E. T. Keyser 325
Illustrated by Norman Price, and with diagrams.
Ruth and the Jingle Jays. Verse Betty Bruce 330
Illustrated by Allie Dillon.
The Story of the Stolen Sled. Pictures. Drawn by Culmer Barnes 332
With Men Who Do Things. A. Russell Bond 333
Illustrated from photographs
The Apple-Wood Fire. Verse Caroline Hofman 340
Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer.
Afternoon Tea. Picture. Drawn by Gertrude A. Kay 341
The Housekeeping Adventures of the Junior Blairs. Caroline French Benton 342
Illustrated by Sarah K. Smith.
The Dutch Doll and Her Eskimo. Verse Ethel Blair 347
Illustrated by Thelma Cudlipp.
Racing Waters. Story Louise de St. Hubert Guyol 349
At the Children’s Matinée. Sketch. Clara Meadowcroft 351
Illustrated from photographs.
The Pipe of Peace. Picture. Drawn by H. E. Burdette. 357
Books and Reading. Hildegarde Hawthorne 358
Illustrated from paintings
For Very Little Folk:
The Baby Bears’ Fourth Adventure. Verse Grace G. Drayton 361
Illustrated by the author
Nature and Science for Young Folks. Illustrated 364
The St. Nicholas League. With Awards of Prizes for Stories, Poems, Drawings, Photographs, and Puzzles. Illustrated 372
Letter-Box. 381
The Riddle-Box. 383
St. Nicholas Stamp Page Advertising page 24

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