Page:St. Nicholas - Volume 41, Part 1.djvu/485

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Tur- tle Wo-men do, A cup for you—a

all will be com-plete; Draw up our chairs, the

They run to the windows

bowl for me, With pew - ter spoons for two.

ta - ble’s set—But not a thing to eat!


Sil - ver Dol - lar, Sil - ver Dol - lar!

Hast - en we im - plore,. . . . . . . . . With

anx - ious ear we wait to hear Your

knock up - on the door. . . . . . . . .

(A knock is heard, and Melilotte throws
open the door. Instead of the Silver Dollar,
three Silver Quarters enter. One carries
fagots, another a loaf of bread and a
jug of milk, while the third has a package
marked “Tea.” Melilotte is amazed. They
step in briskly and stand in a row.)

Meliotte. We sent our Silver Dollar hence
To buy us food at his expense;
Now who are you, with faces strange?


Silver Quarters (in unison). So please you, miss, we are the change!

(They put down their packages and sing.)


The Silver Quarters.

We hope you will kindly take care of us,
For easily you can see
We are not remarkably numerous,
In fact we are only three.
Your Silver Dollar stayed behind
His business to arrange,
But sends you word to bear in mind
To always count the change.

We hope you will kind- ly take care of us, For

Of course you will count us, for we sus-pect It’s the