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duties proper to their condition, they may be more and more inflamed with the fire of thy divine love. Amen.

Received at . . . . , on this . . . . day of

________ __________, Director.

Live, Jesus! live and let it be
My life to die for love of thee. Amen.


O MOST amiable Heart of my divine Redeemer, considering thy infinite love for all men, and for me in particular; in view of the oppressing grief and other pains thou hast endured for my sins; in view of the most precious blood thou hast been pleased to shed for my redemption; in view of the excessive love thou hast shown us in the institution of the most blessed sacrament of the altar; and in view of those infinite perfections which make thee so amiable, I, N., do this day consecrate myself to thee without reserve for the remainder of my life. I consecrate to thee my body, my soul, my thoughts, my desires, my words, my actions, and my sufferings, desiring thereby to contribute to thy greater glory. In particular, I consecrate to thee my heart, with all its motions, desiring it may love thee alone, rejoice in thee alone, and breathe for thee alone. Receive it then, O divine Heart of Jesus, purify it, sanctify it, and inflame it with thy most pure love, that it may no longer act but by the motion of thy love; nor suffer, but for thy love; grieve only, because it loves thee so little; find its only joy in thy love; desire nothing but a continual increase of that love; and fear nothing but the extinction, or even a diminution, of that love. In a word, make my heart like to thee,