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dear Son; it is wounded, it bleeds, it expires, through the infinite love it has for us. My God, if we have offended thee, will not the sight of this heart suffice to appease thy anger ? Receive it, O merciful Father, in atonement for our many offences; it is most worthy of thy love and everlasting complacency. Amen.

Then conclude the Novena by the following prayer:

MOST amiable Heart of Jesus, beloved object of our most tender affections, may all honor, glory, love, and benediction be ever given to thee. Be thou our comfort in adversity, our guide in prosperity, our safety in dangers, and protection against all our enemies, visible and invisible. Amen.

O SACRED and adorable Heart of Jesus, furnace of eternal charity, ocean of infinite mercy, consolation of the afflicted, refuge of sinners, and hope of the whole world, I most fervently adore thee, and unite my heart, my affections, and supplications to the perpetual homage thou thyself, on our altar, renderest to thy eternal Father.

Most amiable Heart, which hast loved us with an eternal love, supply what is wanting in my love, and receive my desire, at least, of loving thee with all the ardor and sincerity thou so justly meritest. But remember, O adorable Heart, that thou hast not disclosed thyself to us only as an object of our adorations thou desirest much more to engage our love, and to become the ground and tender motive of our loving confidence. For this end thou wert pierced through with a lance on the cross, and for the same purpose thou remainest a daily victim of thy own love on our altars. O infinitely compassionate Heart of Jesus, which was overwhelmed with sorrow in the Garden of Olives, at the view of our spiritual and cor-