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O MOTHER of God, and my most dear Mother, by the heart of Jesus, I beg of you each time I shall say " O Mother of God, remember me," to adore then for me the Heart of your divine Son, and offer my unworthy one to him, asking pardon for all that is amiss in it, telling that God of love how much it desires perfectly to love him, and obtain by your all-powerful intercession, a love that may consume in it all earthly affections, and that he may replenish it to the full extent of its small capacity. This, dear Mother, I beg through the Heart of Jesus, to which I am sure you can refuse nothing, and by which I know you cannot be rejected. O show then yourself a Mother, and comply with the desires of your poor unworthy child.


BE thou blessed, O most pure Virgin, who didst deign to appear in the grotto of Lourdes as many as eighteen times, resplendent with light, sweet ness, and beauty, and to say to the humble and simple child who contemplated thee in ecstasy, "I am the Immaculate Conception!" be thou blessed for the extraordinary favors which thou dost unceasingly scatter around this place.

By thy maternal heart, O Mary, and by the glory which the holy Church has rendered thee, we conjure thee to pray for the Sovereign Pontiff, and for . . . , and to realize the hopes of peace which the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception excited in the breasts of the faithful. Amen.