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August is the month of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Mary.

AS the adorable Heart of Jesus was formed in the chaste womb of the Blessed Virgin and of her blood and substance, so we cannot in a more proper and agreeable manner show our devotion to the Sacred Heart of the Son, than by dedicating some part of the said devotion to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother. For you have two hearts here united, in the most strict alliance, and tender conformity of sentiments, so that it is not in nature to please the one, without making yourself agreeable to the other, and pleasing to both. Go then, devout client, to the Heart of Jesus, but let your way be through the Heart of Mary. The sword of grief which pierced her soul opens you a passage; enter by the wound which love has made; advance to the Heart of Jesus, and rest there even to death itself. Presume not to separate and divide two objects so intimately one, or united together; but ask redress in all your exigencies from the Heart of Jesus, and ask this redress through the Heart of Mary. This form and method of devotion is the doctrine and the very spirit of God's Church; it is what she teaches us in the unanimous voice and practice of the faithful, who will by no means that Jesus and Mary should be separated from each other in our prayers,