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the feasts of the Assumption, the Nativity, and the Sacred Heart of Mary, to all who, having recited it daily for a year, shall perform the usual conditions of Confession and Communion, and visit a Church, or at least an altar, dedicated to the blessed Virgin, and pray there for the intentions of the Pope. 3. A plenary indulgence at the hour of death, to all who shall have recited it frequently during their life. These indulgences are applicable to the souls in Purgatory.

O HEART of Mary, Mother of God, and our Mother also; O Heart most worthy of love, in which the most holy Trinity is well pleased; O Heart worthy to be loved and honored by angels and men, most similar to the sacred Heart of Jesus, whose clear and perfect image thou reflectest; O Heart of Mary, seat of mercy, full of the bowels of compassion towards us wretched creatures; warm, I beseech thee, the cold hearts of thy children, and make them henceforth think of nothing, love nothing, desire nothing, but only the Heart of Jesus Christ. Infuse into our hearts the love of thy virtues, and kindle in them the flame of thy unfailing charity. Watch over the Church, and continually defend it; be thou the sweet refuge of all faithful Christians; be thou their impregnable tower, wherein they may abide secure against the assaults of the enemy. Through thee, O Heart of Mary, may we have access to thy Son; through thee may we obtain all graces necessary to eternal salvation. Assist us in all straits and necessities, comfort us when sorrowful, strengthen us when tempted, be thou our refuge in persecution, our succor in danger ; but especially at the hour of death, in our last mortal agony, when the powers of hell assail us, striving to take away our souls, — in that terrible day, and at that tremendous hour, on which our eternity depends, then, O most compassionate