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Then should music, stealing
All the soul of feeling,
To thy heart appealing,
Draw one tear from thee,
Then let mem'ry bring thee,
Strains I us'd to sing thee,
Oh! then remember me.

Peggy, I must love thee.

As from a rock, past all relief,
the shipwreck Colin spying
His native soil, o'ercome with grief,
half sunk in waves, and dying:
With the next morning sun he spies
A ship, which gives unhop'd surprise;
New life springs up, he lifts his eyes,
with joy, and waits her motion.

So when by her whom long I lov'd,
I scorn'd was and deserted,
Low with despair my spirits mov'd
to be for ever parted;
Thus droopt I till diviner grace
I found in Peggy's mind and face;