Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/351

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Act to stabilize the dollar, tentative draft of an, 205-213.
Adjustment of salaries and wages after an upward price movement,55-56.
Alternative plans for stabilization of dollar, 252-261.
American Economic Association, report of Committee of, on purchasing power of money, 33; Committee of, quoted on plan for stabilizing the dollar, 275-276.
American Federation of Labor, resolution of, in favor of a dollar of stabilized purchasing power, 277.
Anderson, B. M., Jr., approval by, of proposal to stabilize value of dollar, 90 n.; governmental control of gold production suggested by, 260; member of committee in favor of stabilization plan, 275.
Approval by economists, financiers, and others of plan for stabilizing the dollar, 274-278.
Argument from probability, regarding relation between monetary inflation and price fluctuation, 17-19; from statistics, 19-23.
Artificiality of a fixed-weight dollar, 106-107.
Assignats of French Revolution, 6, 259.
Austin, O. P., address on "Prices, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," quoted, 22-23; quoted on inflation, 35.
Australia, use of index numbers of prices for adjusting wages in, 283.
Austria, effect of Great War on prices in, 8.

Babson, Roger, cited on losses of street railways, 57; in favor of stabilization plan, 275.
Bank credit, effect on, of proposed plan for stabilizing the dollar, 168-172.
Bank discount, regulative function of rate of, 170-172.
Barbour, Sir David, The Standard of Value, quoted, 43; approval by, of plan for stabilizing the dollar, 275.
Barron, C. W., example supplied by, of contract in terms of a commodity, 280.
Bell, Chas. A., calculation of a special index number by, 151-152.
Bengal, rate of assessment of, 57.
Bibliography of literature relating to stabilization plans, 286-296.
Bimetallism, literature on, 288-289.
Bland-Allison Act, causes leading up to, 265-266.
Bolshevist Government, paper money inflation by, 30.
Bondholders, position of, under rising and under falling prices. 58; plight of, at present time, 61; position of, in period of falling prices, 77.
Brassage fee, for deposit of gold bullion, 100, 104; as a means of preventing speculation in gold, 139-142, 147; as a factor in determining stabilization process, 183 ff.; the ideal, 197.
Bryan campaign, downward price movement resulting in, 7, 68.
Bullock, C. J., Monetary History of United States, cited, 35, 61.