Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/353

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Fiat money system, charge that stabilization plan is a, 224.
Finished products and raw materials, reasoning in a circle regarding, 15. Fischer, L. A., History of Standards of Weights and Measures of United States, cited, 238.
Fisher, Irving, Why Is the Dollar Shrinking, cited, 11; The New Price Revolution, cited, 11, 65, 119; articles by, on price fluctuations, cited, 20; article on "The 'Scarcity' of Gold," cited, 35; Purchasing Power of Money, cited, 51 n., 154, 260, 262; articles on "Equation of Exchange for 1914, and the War," cited, 52; The Rate of Interest, cited, 64; article on "Adjusting Wages to the Cost of Living," cited, 261; member of American Economic Association Committee on Purchasing Power of Money, 275.
Fisher, Willard, account by, of early experiments with tabular standard, 281.
Fixed incomes, mockery made of, by money inflation, 63.
Fixity of value of money, illusion in regard to, 36-39.
Foxwell, H. S., Papers on Current Finance, cited, 33.
France, effect of Great War on prices in, 9; index numbers current in, 287.
Franklin, Fabian, Cost of Living, cited, 13.
Fraser, Drummond, advocate of "Continuous borrowing," 33.
Free trade, idea of, stimulated by rising prices, 78 n.
Free-trade countries, prices in, 12.

George, Henry, single-tax propaganda of, 74.
Germany, effect of Great War on prices in, 8, 9; war finance in, 32.
Gold, illusion concerning fixity of value of, 36-39; comparative instability of, as standard, 39-41; results of sudden increase in supply of, 45-49; method of changing weight of, 91-94; prevention of speculation in, 139-147; a fetish that is erratic and tricky, 237; suggestion for governmental control of, 260.
Gold certificates, reserve against, 125 ff.
Gold clause in existing contracts, treatment of, under plan for stabilizing the dollar, 163-168.
Gold coins, proposed circulation of, in form of paper only, 91-94; disposal of existing, under plan for stabilizing the dollar, 161-163.
Gold dollar, to be retained, under use of proposed goods-dollar, 87-90; merely the weight of, to be varied, 90-91; method of conforming, to goods-dollar, 95-100.
Gold exchange standard, correction of current money units by, 284; writings on, 289-290.
Gold inflation, 30, 32; method of transforming into credit inflation during Great War, 33.
Gold points of exchange, effect of stabilization plan on, 179-180.
Gold producers, possible objection of, to stabilization of dollar, 248-250.
Gold reserves, international relation between price levels and, 175-177.
Gold Standard, price movements in countries using, 7; similarity of price movements in countries having, 23-25; effect of a country changing from, to silver standard, 26; the essentials of a, 94-95.
Gold theory, so-called, not implied in stabilization plan, 215.
Goods-dollar, an imaginary, 84-87; machinery for conforming our gold dollar to the, 95-100; argument that it is not ideal, 224-225; unrestricted deposit of goods-dollars, as an alternative plan for stabilization of monetary unit, 255-256.
Governmental control of gold production, proposal for, 260.
Governmental interference, requiring of, not a valid objection to stabilization plan, 233-234.