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throughout the world, together with Thy servant N. our Pope, N. our Bishop, as also all orthodox believers and professors of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith.

We also recommend to Thee, Lord, all those whom justice, gratitude, and charity oblige us to pray for; all those here present, particularly M. or N. And in order, dear Lord, that our homage may be the more agreeable to Thee, we unite it with that of the glorious Mary, ever Virgin, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and with that of all the apostles, martyrs, and saints who have lived and died in this holy Faith which we profess, and this only Church in which we live.

My God, why have I not, at this moment, the inflamed desires with which the holy patriarchs desired the coming of the Messias! Why have I not their faith and love! Come, Lord Jesus, come, beloved Redeemer of the world, come and accomplish that mystery which is the sum of all Thy marvels. He is coming, the Lamb of God; behold the adorable Victim by Whom the sins of the whole world are effaced.

Elevation of the Host.

Eternal Father, I now offer Thee all the virtues, the actions, the affections, of the Heart of Thy dear Jesus. Accept them, and by His merits, which are all mine— for He has given them to me, — grant me the graces which Jesus asks Thee for me. With these merits I thank Thee for the many mercies which Thou hast shown me; with these I satisfy for what I owe Thee for my sins; through these I hope for every grace from Thee, — pardon, perseverance, paradise, and, above all, the crowning gift of Thy pure love.