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Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord!

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.

V. Jesus, Who art meek and humble of heart,

R. Make our heart like unto Thy heart.

Let us Pray.

LORD Jesus, Who, by a fresh effect of Thy grace, hast vouchsafed to open to Thy Church the ineffable riches of Thy heart, grant that we may render love for love to that adorable Heart, and by worthy homage make reparation for the outrages inflicted on It through the ingratitude of men. We ask this of Thee Who liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen.

5. The Twenty-fifth Day of each Month, Consecrated to the Infant Jesus. [1]

The Steps of Our Saviour's Childhood.

An excellent Devotion for Advent and until Epiphany.

O dearest Infant Jesus, from the bosom of the Father descending for our salvation, conceived of the Holy Ghost, abhorring not the Virgin's womb, Word made flesh, receiving the form of a slave; have mercy on us.

  1. St. Alphonsus all his life had a most tender devotion to the Sacred Infancy of Jesus. He sought to propagate it by every means in his power, looking on this devotion as an efficacious means for inspiring divine love in souls. To this end he composed various discourses and meditations of heavenly unction. Not finding it sufficient to draw the attention of the faithful to the Infant Jesus during Advent and the Octave of Christmas, he wished that that sweet mystery of the Divine Childhood should be celebrated on the 25th of each month. We therefore enter into the holy Doctor's spirit by here placing suitable prayers for each 25th day of the month, and we have tried to select such as harmonize with the Virtue proposed for each month.