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others, so Thou hast suffered the pains which Thou didst endure more for me than for others. Accursed a thousand times be all those sinful pleasures which I have delighted in, and which have cost Thee so much sorrow! But since Thou hast paid the price of my ransom, I beseech Thee let not the Blood which Thou hast spilled for love of me be lost to me. I love Thee, O Infinite Bounty, but I desire to love Thee more; I desire to love Thee as much as Thou deservest to be loved. O my Jesus, do Thou cause Thyself to be loved by me and by all men; for Thou dost indeed deserve to be loved. I pray Thee, enlighten the minds of those sinners who neither know nor love Thee; make them understand what Thou hast done for the love of them, and the ardent desire Thou hast for their salvation. Most holy Mary, pray to Jesus for me and for all sinners; obtain for us light and grace to love Thy Son, Who has loved us so much.

Recite the Steps of Our Saviour's Childhood, page 377.

July 25th.


During thirty years Jesus Christ respected St. Joseph as a father, and obeyed him as such. Without the order of St. Joseph He performed no action, took no step, tasted no food, indulged in no repose. He was all attention in listening to and executing whatever St. Joseph enjoined upon Him.

MY beloved Jesus, Thou art the Sovereign of heaven and earth; but for the love of me Thou didst make Thyself a servant even of the executioners who tore Thy flesh, pierced Thy head, and finally left Thee nailed on the cross to die of sorrow. I adore Thee as my God and Lord, and I am ashamed to appear before Thee when I remember how often, for the sake of some miserable pleasure, I have rent asunder Thy holy bonds, and have told Thee that I would not serve Thee. But still.