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mercy, through the merits of Jesus Christ, to obtain pardon, final perseverance, and the glory of paradise.

I protest that I love Thee above all things, because Thou art the Infinite Good; and because I love Thee I am more sorry that I have so often offended Thee than for any other evil, and I resolve rather to die than offend Thee again. I pray Thee rather to take away my life than to permit me to lose Thee by another sin.

I thank Thee, my Jesus, for all the sufferings Thou hast undergone for me, and for the many mercies Thou hast shown me, after I had so greatly offended Thee.

My beloved Lord, I rejoice in that Thou art infinitely happy, and that Thou art loved by so many souls in heaven and on earth. I desire that all should know and love Thee.

I protest that if any one has offended me, I pardon him for the love of Thee, O my Jesus; and I beg of Thee to do good to him!

I declare that I desire to receive the most holy sacraments, both in life and death: and I intend now to ask for absolution of my sins, in case I should not be able to give any sign of it at my death.

I accept my death, and all the pains which shall accompany it, in union with the death and sorrows which Jesus suffered on the cross. And I accept, my God, all the pains and tribulations which Thou shalt send me before my death. Do with me, and with all that belongs to me, what Thou pleasest. Give me Thy love and holy perseverance, and I ask nothing more.

My Mother Mary, assist me always, but especially at my death; in the mean time help me and keep me in the grace of God. Thou art my hope. Under thy mantle I will live and die. St. Joseph, St. Michael, Archangel, my guardian angel, help me always, but especially in the hour of my death.