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evil hadst Thou done me? Ah! for the love of Jesus, have pity on me. Henceforth, Lord, no more sins; I wish to employ the remainder of my life in loving Thee.

To expiate my offences against Thee, O my God, I offer Thee my death and all the sufferings I shall have to endure until the end, by uniting them to those of Jesus crucified for me.

O Mary, obtain for me true sorrow for my sins, and also pardon and perseverance.

3. Love of God.

MY God, because Thou art of infinite goodness and worthy of infinite love, I love Thee beyond every created thing, I love Thee more than myself, I love Thee with my whole heart.

Lord, I am not worthy of loving Thee, because I have offended Thee; but for Jesus' sake grant that I may love Thee.

Would that I could see Thee loved by all!

I rejoice in Thine infinite happiness.

My Jesus, I desire to suffer and die for Thy sake, since Thou didst suffer and die for mine.

Chastise me, Lord, as seemeth best to Thee; but deprive me not of the power of loving Thee.

I desire paradise that I may love Thee eternally with my whole heart.

Lord, send me not to hell, though such is what I deserve; for there I ought to hate Thee, and I know not how. What hast Thou done to me that I should ever hate Thee? Grant that I may love Thee, and then send me where Thou wilt.

I desire to suffer all that it pleases Thee to send me; I desire to die that I may do Thy will.

Bind me, my Jesus, so firmly to Thyself that I may never again be separated from Thee.

My God, may I be all Thine before my death.