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8. Spiritual Reading.

In order to reap all the advantage possible from our spiritual reading,we must, before commencing it, recommend ourselves to God, so that we may be enlightened by Him concerning that which we are about to read. During the spiritual reading it is Our Lord who is vouchsafing to speak to us; in taking up our book, therefore, we should make use of the following prayer:

SPEAK, Lord, for Thy servant heareth. Yea, speak to my soul, and make Thy holy will known to me; in all things I will obey Thee.

On terminating our reading, we should choose some thought which has struck us the most, in order to carry it away with us. just as we carry away a flower from a garden where we have been walking. Then return thanks to Our Lord, saying:

Lord, I thank Thee for the assistance and lights Thou hast vouchsafed me, in order to sanctify me and attach me more firmly to Thy service.

9. Visit to the Blessed Sacrament and to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

How agreeable to the Heart of Jesus are those souls who frequently visit Him and love to remain in His company in the churches in which He dwells under the sacramental species'! Do not, O devout soul! refuse to practise this devotion, but from this time forward dwell each day. for at least a quarter of an hour, in some church in the presence of Jesus Christ under the sacramental species. Oh. how sweet a joy it is to remain with faith and tender devotion before an altar and converse familiarly with Jesus Christ!

Be also careful daily to visit the most holy Virgin Mary; you may hope to receive great things from this most gracious Lady.

For the way of making these Visits see Part III.