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thee about thyself and thy affairs, as thou wouldst tell it to a dear friend. Look not upon Him as a haughty sovereign, who will only converse with the great, and on great matters. He, our God, delights to abase Himself to converse with us, loves to have us communicate to Him our smallest, our most daily concerns. He loves thee as much, and has as much care for thee, as if He had none others to think of but thyself. He is as entirely devoted to thy interests as though the only end of His providence were to succor thee, of His almighty power to aid thee, of His mercy and goodness to take pity on thee, to do thee good, and gain by the delicate touches of His kindness thy confidence and love. Manifest, then, to Him freely all thy state of mind, and pray Him to guide thee to accomplish perfectly His holy will. And let all thy desires and plans be simply bent to discover His good pleasure, and do what is agreeable to His Divine Heart: " Commit thy way to the Lord, and desire of Him to direct thy ways, and that all thy counsels may abide in Him" (Tob. iv. 20).

Say not: But where is the need of disclosing to God all my wants, if He already sees and knows them better than I? True, He knows them; but God makes as if He knew not the necessities about which thou dost not speak to Him, and for which thou seekest not His aid. Our Saviour knew well that Lazarus was dead, and yet He made as if He knew it not, until the Magdalene had told him of it, and then He comforted her by raising her brother to life again.

2. In Trials.

WHEN, therefore, thou art afflicted with any sickness, temptation, persecution, or other trouble, go at once and beseech Him, that His hand may help thee. It is enough for thee to pre-