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Cancer, the Crab

being the sacred flower of the Incas. Surely there is more than a coincidence in the fact that two nations, as widely separated as the Hindus and Peruvians, should see in this inconspicuous group of stars a resemblance to a flower. This fact would seem to indicate that at some time in the remote past there was intercommunication between these two great nations.

The cantut flower of the Incas was of a deep red colour, and in June and July the fields around Cuzco in Peru are ruddy with the blooms. The ritual of the Peruvian festival of the sun included the Great Copper Dance, named from the use by the dancers of objects of that dark red metal. At that festival sacred cakes were eaten called "Cancu," made of crushed maize reddened with the blood of animals. The keynote of the ceremonials seems to have been to place emphasis on the colour red, the dark red hidden fire, the colour of the distant but returning sun. The red colour attributed to Cancer accords with the astrological allusion associating Cancer with violent deaths or accidents by fire.

The Arabs knew Cancer as "the mouth and muzzle of the Lion," as to them Leo was a more extensive figure than that known to us, and included Cancer.

The Germans call the constellation "der Krebs," the French "le Cancri" or "I'Ecrevisse."

The astrological significance of Cancer has generally been malign. It was called "the House of the Moon," from the early belief that our satellite was located in Cancer at the Creation. It governs the breast and stomach, and reigns over Scotland, Holland, Africa, Tunis, Tripoli, Constantinople, and New York. Those born under the sign, that is between June 21st and July 22d, will have a great love of home and family, be quick to feel the mental condition of those around them. Their natures will be quiet and placid, opposed to haste, yet fond of amusement and social pleasures. They dislike quarrels and are slow to change their ideas.

The star Alpha Cancri is a double. It was known to