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In the compilation of this volume the author hereby acknowledges his indebtedness to the following publications for much valuable information.

Star-Names and their Meanings Richard H. Allen
Starland Sir Robert S. Ball
Influence of the Stars Rosa Baughan
A History of Astronomy Arthur Berry
Astronomical Myths J. F. Blake
Stellar Theology Robert Brown, Jun.
Primitive Constellations
Geography of the Heavens Elijah H. Burritt
The Story of the Stars George F. Chambers
The System of the Stars Agnes M. Clerke
The Sidereal Heavens Thomas Dick
Star Lore J. A. Farrer
Metrical Pieces N. L. Frothingham
Astronomical Essays James E. Gore
How to Know the Heavens Eward Irving
Astronomy of the Ancients Sir George C. Lewis
Dawn of Astronomy Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer
The Friendly Stars Martha Evans Martin
The Astronomy of the Bible E. W. Maunder
The Children's Book of Stars Geraldine E. Mitton
The Stars Simon Newcomb
Astronomy of Paradise Lost T. N. Orchard
Familiar Talks on Astronomy W. H. Parker
History of the Heavens The Abbé Pluche
Ancient Calendars and Constellations E. M. Plunket
The Stars in Song and Legend J. G. Porter
The Storyland of Stars Mara L. Pratt
Stories of Starland Mary Proctor
Myths and Marvels of Astronomy Richard A. Proctor
The Flowers of the Sky
The Expanse of Heaven
