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Star Lore of All Ages

of Arabia. Cyrus, in his conquering marches, may have looked to that star for help and inspiration, for it was the heavenly guardian of the Persian monarchs."

Regulus appears above the horizon a very little north of east about 9 p.m. on the evening of New Year's Day, and culminates at 9 p.m. April 6th.

The star β Leonis, or "Denebola," from an abbreviated Arab title meaning "the Lion's Tail," is an interesting star. It marked the tenth Arab lunar station known as "the Changer," i. e., of the weather, and Al-Biruni wrote of it: "The heat turns away when it rises, and the cold turns away when it disappears." Denebola is one of the stars forming the so-called "Diamond of Virgo," a great diamond formed by the four stars Denebola, Arcturus, Cor Caroli, and Spica.

In astrology Denebola was considered unlucky, portending misfortune and disgrace. Its spectrum is Sirian, and it is approaching our system at the rate of about twelve miles a second. It is said to be thirty-three light years distant, and about ten times as bright as the sun. In all probability Denebola was a brighter star in former times than now, for Al-Sufi speaks of it as "the brilliant and great star of the first magnitude which is found on the tail." It comes to the meridian at 9 p.m. on the 3d of May.

γ Leonis, also called "Algeiba," an Arab name meaning "the Forehead," is one of the finest double stars in the heavens. Doberck estimates its period as four hundred years. Both stars can be seen very well in a three-inch telescope, with a power of 130, and the marked contrast of colours renders it a beautiful object. The colours are bright orange and greenish yellow. Sir Wm. Herschel discovered its duplicity in 1782. This star is approaching our system at the rate of twenty-four miles a second.

δ Leonis bears the Arab name "Zosma," the "Girdle." Ulugh Beg called it "Duhr," the " Lion's Back." In China it was known as "the High Minister of State." It is said to be approaching us at the rate of nine miles a second.