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Star Lore of All Ages

where it became the little star Alcor in the handle of "the Dipper."

Rigel is receding from our system at the rate of ten miles a second. Newcomb estimated that it exceeds our sun in brilliance not less than ten thousand times. It is a double star, the companion being of the ninth magnitude, and blue in colour, but it is difficult to glimpse in a small telescope owing to the lustre of its primary.

γ Orionis is known as "Bellatrix," the "Female Warrior," and "the Amazon Star." It is pale yellow in colour, and of the second magnitude. One Arab title for it was "the Roaring Conqueror," or "the Conquering Lion." It marks the left shoulder of the Giant.

Allen tells us that in an Amazon River myth, Bellatrix figures as a young boy in a canoe with an old man, represented by the star Betelgeuze. They are said to be chasing the Peixie Boi, a dark spot in the sky near Orion.

In astrology Bellatrix was the natal star of all destined to great civil or military honours, and rendered all women born under its influence lucky and loquacious.

It is said to be receding from our system at the rate of five miles a second.

The three so-called "Belt Stars," of the second magnitude, in the centre of the parallelogram which renders the constellation conspicuous, have excited the attention of all ages, and many have been the titles bestowed on them. They are δ, ε and ζ Orionis, and bear the Arab names, "Mintaka," the "Belt," "Alnilam," the "String of Pearls" and "Alnitak," the "Girdle," respectively.

δ Orionis is a double star, 23′ of arc south of the celestial equator. ε Orionis is a leading example of stars of the hottest class. Its temperature has been estimated to be 45,000 degrees F.

In astrology these three stars portended good fortune and public honours. Job's name for them was "the Bands of Orion," while the Arabs knew them as "the Golden Nuts," or "the String of Pearls." The fierce Masai