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Star Lore of All Ages

regarded it as a Scorpion, while by the Mayas, an ancient race residing in Yucatan, it was regarded as "the sign of the Death god."

In the Hebrew zodiac, Scorpio is referred to the tribe of Dan, because it is written, "Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path." The Egyptians fixed the entrance of the sun into Scorpio as the commencement of the reign of Typhon, and when the sun was in this sign the death of Osiris was lamented. Some commentators have located in this constellation the Biblical "Chambers of the South."

The Scorpion is clearly indicated on the celebrated zodiac of Denderah, and the constellation has been likened to a cardinal's hat, and a kite. It certainly bears a striking resemblance to the latter.

Early Christians claimed that this figure represented the Apostle Bartholomew.

Scorpio was known to astrologers as "the accursed constellation," the baleful source of war and discord. Like Aries it is the House of Mars and also his joy. Its natives, those born between the dates Oct. 23d and Nov. 22d are said to be strong, corpulent, and robust, with large bones, dark curly hair, dark eyes, middle stature, dusky complexions. They are usually reserved in speech. It governs the region of the groin, and reigns over Judcca, Norway, Barbary, Morocco, Messina, etc. It is a feminine sign and unfortunate. The red carnation is the flower and the topaz the gem.

The weather-wise thought that this constellation exerted a malignant influence, and was accompanied by storms, but the alchemists held Scorpio in high regard, for only when the sun was in this sign could the transmutation of iron into gold be performed.

Scorpio is in a region of the heavens famous for the appearance of novcæ, the wonderful temporary stars that occasionally flash upon our view the light that spells a great conflagration or mighty cataclysm far out in space, the enormity of which is beyond our comprehension.

α Scorpii is known as "Antares," from the Greek words