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Star Lore of All Ages

that the constellation was invented by the Egyptians or Chaldeans.

With the Romans, prior to the reign of Julius Cæsar, the year began in March, when Taurus is just visible in the western horizon setting after the sun. "The white Bull opens with his golden horns the year," is the way Virgil expresses it.

The idea of whiteness in connection with Taurus seems to have had a very early origin. It probably arose from the Greek legend of the mythical Bull, which is always described as snow white.

Among the ancient Chinese Taurus was known as "the White Tiger"; later it was called "the Golden Ox." Strangely enough we find that the South American Indians of the Amazon country called this star group "the Ox." Here again is further proof that at a very early date there was a transmigration, or a means of communication unknown to us, between the far east and the far west.

Aratos refers to the Bull as "Crouching." Manilius speaks of "the striving Bull," and according to Cicero, the Bull's knees are "bent." The Bull is depicted as in a crouching attitude, in accordance with the legend, that Europa might the more easily mount upon his back. It is not clear why only half the figure is shown, when there was sufficient space and stars were not lacking to depict the entire figure. In the half horse, Pegasus, we have a similar incongruity which is difficult to explain. In the case of Pegasus, as has been explained, the horse is presumed to be flying upwards through the clouds and therefore but half of the creature appears. In like manner the Bull is supposed to be swimming and half his body is submerged.

Jensen identifies Taurus with Marduk, the Spring Sun, which was worshipped as far back as 2200 b.c. He is of the opinion that the constellation was formed as early as 5000 b.c., even before the equinox lay there.

The Bull was an important object of worship with the