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Star Lore of All Ages
Periodic Comets
Name Last Perihelion Period in Years Next Return
Holmes Apr. 29, 1899 06.8 1913
Faye Jan. 23, 1881 07.5 1911
Tuttle May 05, 1899 13.6 1913
Pons Brooks Jan. 26, 1884 71.5
Olbers Oct. 09, 1887 72.6
Halley May 17, 1910 76

Proper Motion of the Stars
(The angular motion across the line of sight.)
Star Name Speed in Miles per Second
Pritchard Young
β Cassiopeiæ 10
α Cassiopeiæ 02
61 Cygni 35 37
Polaris 02.5 01.8
α Arietis 08
α Persei 01
Aldebaran 04 05.1
Capella 11
Sirius 09 10.1
Procyon 13 12.2
Pollux 27
Regulus 08
Vega 31 07.1
Altair 09 08.0
Miss Clerke Newcomb
Arcturus 375 200 to 300

Secchi's Spectroscopic Star Types
Characteristics Star Names
Type I. Sirian Stars
(blue or white)
Broad, intense, dark hydrogen lines


Altair and perhaps more than half of all the stars