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Popular Books on Astronomy

By William Tyler Olcott

Excellently arranged, and copiously illustrated, these little manuals — real field-books — should prove valuable for all who want to become familiar with the stars

A Field Book of the Stars

16mo. With Fifty Diagrams, $1.00 net, (By mail, $1.10)

To facilitate the fascinating recreation of star-gazing the author has designed this field-book. All matters of a technical or theoretical nature have been omitted. Only what the reader can observe with the naked eye or with an opera-glass have been included in it. Simplicity and brevity have been aimed at, the main idea being that whatever is bulky or verbose is a hindrance rather than a help when one is engaged in the observation of the heavens.

In Starland with a Three=
Inch Telescope

A Conveniently Arranged Guide for the Use of the Amateur Astronomer

16mo. With Forty Diagrams of the Constellations and Eight of the Moon, $1.00 net, (By mail, $1.10)

The raison d'etre therefore for the book is convenience and arrangement. The author has found by experience that what the student most needs when he is observing with a telescope, is a page to glance at that will serve as a guide to the object he desires to view, and which affords concise data relative to that object. The diagrams therefore direct the student's vision and the subject-matter affords the necessary information in each case.

Star Lore of the Ages

A Collection of Myths, Legends, and Facts Concerning the Constellations of the Northern Hemisphere

8vo. Fully Illustrated

Will appeal alike to those who are interested in folk-lore and those who are attracted by astronomy. In it the author has gathered together the curious myths and traditions that have attached themselves from the earliest times to different constellations and even to individual stars.

G. P. Putnam's Sons

New York