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"For this I slew; for this, I took the fort,—
Crashed through the horrors of the blood-stained fight,
To the cool twilight and thy chill dissent——"
"Never will I be slave to thy delight."

"This knife may mar a beauty that resists,
And spoils my pleasure." "Slay, then, and have done,
Thus there will be no pleasure. Safe in death
I shall escape from thee, Oh, pitiless one!"

"Nay, for thy slender frame would keep its warmth
Quite long enough for me to slake this thirst,
This dear and desperate need I have of thee;
Ah, the desire thou couldst have curbed at first,

"In thy resisting arms has grown so great
I needs must have thy beauty for my own.
Though Destiny decrees that I repel
The only lovely thing my life has known!

"I have lived hardly all my days, God knows;
Little of women's love has come my way;
Strive not with me, thou dost but make me cruel;
I could be tender if thou wouldst obey.

"Ay, with a tenderness beyond all words
Could shed my very soul beneath thy feet,
Lay down the whole of youth for one short hour,
If thou wouldst share that hour and find it sweet.