Page:Statement of Reasons for Embracing the Doctrines and Disclosures of Emanuel Swedenborg.djvu/27

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The general law which governs the propagation of truth is doubtless of universal bearing and authority. Every man is bound, by his allegiance to truth, to do what in him lies, consistently with his various relations in life, to extend and confirm its empire among men. Nor can it be doubted that the pressure of this obligation is always in proportion to his sense of the intrinsic weight and importance of the truth which he holds. A truth of minor moment may leave the holder comparatively free from the impulse to utterance, while one that involves in it, to his apprehension, the highest interests of the race, will only brook suppression at the expense of his inward peace. At the same time, he is unquestionably to be governed by a wise discretion as to the time, place, and circumstances in which he shall witness his good confession. The line of policy, aiming at this end, which might be expedient, all things considered, for one, might not be expedient for another occupying a different position, and sustaining different relations. There may often be reasons operating with an individual to produce a change in his views of moral and religious truth, while yet there may not be a