Page:Statement of the attempted rescue of General Lafayette from Olmutz.djvu/15

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two gentlemen in it. They bowed, and the signal was given. Both continued for a while, their opposite course, till presently, the two horsemen turned and followed the phæton at some little distance. The Town, or Fortress of Olmutz is a level country, with fields lying around, divided by ditches, and not even trees or hedges to conceal what might be passing on the roads. The town is enclosed by walls, well fortified, and surmounted by canon, sentinels and soldiers in every direction, and zealously guarded with all the vigilence and activity necessary to keep up the most complete military establishment. So that two unaided young strangers should in any degree succeed in such an undertaking, is almost marvelous. It was market day, and many passengers on foot and in carts and carriages were on the road to the town.

Up to this time, be it observed, Dr. Bollman had been the leader and manager in every respect, for which he seemed peculiarly well fitted, having provided for every contingency with the greatest care and coolest deliberation and resource. Now the leadership was sudenly transferred, in consequence of Dr. Bollman’s being very nearsighted, (glasses were not then in use) and all was dark before him, or