Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu/1136

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The four Universities are Tokyo Imperial University, Kyoto Imperial University, Tohoku Imperial University, and Kynsliin Imperial University. The first consists of a University Hall, Colleges of Law, Medicine, Literature, Science, Engineering, and Agriculture ; the second, of a University Hall, Colleges of Law, Medicine, Literature, and Science and Engineering ; the third, of Colleges of Agriculture and Science ; the fourth, of a College of Engineering. They are supported by Government. At Tokyo University in 1910-11 there were 363 professors and teachers (inclusive of 15 foreigners), and 5,098 students. At Kyoto University there were 191 professors and teachers (inclusive of 5 foreigners), and 1,375 students. At Tohoku University there are 86 professors and teachers (inclusive of 2 foreigners), and 793 students. The bulk of other schools are also supported by Govern- ment as well as by local rates.

In 1910 there were 281 libraries in Japan, with 2,271,935 volumes. In 1910, 34,123 books of various kinds, and 2,768 periodicals, monthly, weekly, daily, were published.

In Formosa, there is a special educational system.

Justice and Crime.

A system of justice founded on modern jurisprudence has been established. Judges are irremovable, except by way of criminal or disciplinary punishment. There are four classes or '30urts in Japan (exclusive of Formosa) ; namely, sub- district courts, district courts, courts of appeal, and court of cassation. In the court of cassation seven judges preside ; in the courts of appeal, five judges ; in the district courts, three judges ; in each case, one of them being the chief judge. In the subdistrict courts, a single judge presides. A court which deals with disputes respecting administrative affairs is under the direct supervision of the Emperor.

A few judges of high rank are directly apj)ointed by the Emperor, and some are appointed by him on nomination by the Minister of Justice. The following are the criminal statistics for five years : —






Serious crimes Lesser ,,

3,251 64,302

3,300 67,943

3,092 66,010



Total .






In 1909 there were 56 prisons, 97 detached prisons and houses of correction. Number of prisoners of all kinds, convicted and accused, and those in houses of correction at the close of 1909 : — Men, 53,471 ; women, 3,110 ; total, 56,581.

For the trial of cases connected with the military and naval services there are courts-martial.


In 1899 new legislation settled that the minimum amount oi prefectural funds for the relief of sufferers from extreme calamity shall be 500,000 yen ; that funds below that limit are to be made up by the Treasury ; and that when the amount of relief exceeds 5 per cent, of the funds at the beginning of the tiscal year, one-third of the amount thus granted is to be supplied from the Treasury.

1 The distinction lietween scrions and lesser crimes was not made in the revised code of October 1, 1908