Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu/1467

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des tabacs en Egypte. 1887. Convention between the Governments of Great Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, relative to the Finance of Egypt, signed at London, March 18, 1885. London, 1885. Correspondence respecting the Settlement of the Claims of the ex-Khedive Ismail and his Family. London 1888.— La Propriete fonciere en Egypte, by Yacoub Artin Pasha. Boulaq 1884. [Translated into Arabic by Amoon, and into English by Van Dyck].— Compte General de I'Administration des Finances. Annual. Cairo. Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan. 190(j.

Handbook of the Sudan. By Captain Count Gleichen. Compiled in the Intelligence Division of the War Office. London, 1898. Supplement, 1899.

The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Edited by Lieut. -Colonel Count Gleichen C.V.O C M G D.S.O. 2 vols. London, 1906. ' > • -^m

Judicial. Correspondence respecting the Mixed Courts and Judicial Reforms. London. 1884.

Recensement general de I'Egypte. Tomes I., IL, III. Cairo, 1898.— The Census of Egypt in 1907. Cairo, 1909.

Public Works. Reports on the Administration of the Public Works Department. Annual. Geological reports on various districts.

Report on the Nile and Country between Dongola, Suakin, Kassala, and Omdurman. 2nd ed. London, 1898. Correspondence respecting the valley of the Upper Nile. London, 1898. Report on the Sudan, by Sir W. Garstin. Egypt, No. 5 (1899). London Report upon The Basin of the Upper Nile. By Sir W. Garstin. F.O. Bluebook, EevDt No. 2. 1904. ^^^

Statistical Department's Publications :— Quarterly Return of Navigation in the Ports of Egypt and the Suez Canal.— Statistical Return of Navigation through the Suez Canal (Annual Summary).— Statistical Return of Navigation in the Ports of Egypt (Annual Summary).— Statistics of Professors and Students of Islam in Egypt in 190G.— Statistical Return of Pupils Attending Public and Private Schools in Egypt (Arabic and English editions).— Comparative Statistics of Postal Traffic in Egypt for the Years 18S0 to 1906.

Sudan. Annual Report by British Consul General on Egypt and the Sudan.— Ordinances. Collected Edition 1899 to 1905, 1906, 1907 and 1908, The Sudan Codes.— Sudan Gazette, monthly.— Sudan Almanac compiled in the Intelligence Department, Cairo.— Report on Egyptian Provinces of Sudan, Red Sea, and Equator, 1884.— Report on the Sudan (Lieut. -Col. Stewart), 1883 (Blue Book, Egypt, No. 11, 1883).— Intelligence Reports, Egypt, 1891-98.— History of the Sudan Campaign (Colville), 1889. 2 vols.— Eritrea (Major Barker), 1894.— Eritrea and Abyssinia (Col. Slade), 1896.— Report on Forests of Sudan by Mr. Muriel.— Traffic Regulations, Sudan Railways.— Sudan Customs Quarterly and Annual Statements of Trade with Foreign Countries and Egvpt.— Central Economic Board Monthly and Annual Reports.— Sudan Postal Guide.— Notes for Travellers and Sportsmen in the Sudan.

Suez Canal. Report by the British Directors on the provisional Agreement with M. de Lesseps. London, 1883. Correspondence respecting the proposed International Convention for securing the free Navigation of the Suez Canal. London, 1888. Le Canal de Suez published every ten days. Paris. Returns of Shipping and Tonnage. Annual, London.

Trade. Le Commerce Exterieur de I'Egypt. Annual. Alexandria.— Bulletin Mensuel du Commerce Exterieur de I'Egypte. Alexandria.

2. NoN'Official Publications.

AlfordiU. S.)and Sword (W. D.), The Egyptian Sudan : Its Loss and Recovery. Lon- don, 1898.

Artin (F. P.), England in the Soudan. London, 1911.

Aubin (E.), Les Anglais aux Indes et en Egypte. Paris, 1899.

Baedeker's Egypt. 6th ed. Leipzig, 1907.

Barois(J.), Les Irrigations en Egypte. Paris, 1904.

Blunt (W. S.), TheSecret History of the English Occupation of Egj'pt.

Boulger(D. C.), Life of Gordon. London, 1897.

Bourguet (A.), La France et I'Angleterre en Egyjite. Paris, 1897.

Breasted (J. H.), A History of Egypt [to the Persian Conquest]. London, 1906.

Brehier (L.), L'Egypte de 1789 k 1900. Paris, 1901.

Brown (R. H.), Fayiim and Lake Moeris. London, 1892.— History of the Barrage, Cairo, 1896.

Brugsch-Bey (Henri), Histoire d'Egj^pte. 2nd edit. Leipzig, 1875.

Budge (E.A.W.), The Egyptian Sudan, its History and Monuments, 2 vols., London, 1907.

Burleigh (B.), Sirdar and Klialifa. London, 1898. Khartoum Campaign, 1898. London. 1899.

Butcher (E. T.), The Story of the Church of Egypt. 2 vols London, 1897.

Butler (A. L.), Notes on the Game Birds of the Sudan. London, 1912.

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