Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu/1501

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Canada, exports and imports, 250 et seq.

— finance, 245 provincial, 246

— fisheries, 249

— forestry, 249

— gold, 249

— government, 239 provincial, 241

— Governor-general, 3, 240

— High Commissioner, 241

— House of Commons, 240

— immigration, 243

— import duties, 250 et seq.

— instruction, 244

— justice and crime, 244

— manufactures, 250

— mining, 249

— ministry, 241

— money and credit, 255

— money, weights, measures, 256

— parliament, 240-1

— political parties, 240

— posts and telegraphs, 255

— Privy Council, 241

— production and industry, 248

— province, 250

— provinces, 240, 241, 242, 258 etseq.

— railways, 254

— religion, 243

— Senate, 240

— shipping and navigation, 254

— towns, 243

— troops in (militia), 247

— universities, 260, 270, 272, 273

— wheat and oats, 248, 252, 253 Caiiar (Ecuador) province, 770, 772 Canary Islands, 1257, 1261, 1268 _ Canberra, Fed. cap. (Australia),

294 Candia (Crete), 1320 Canea (Crete), 1320 Canelones (Uruguay), 1348, 1352 Canterbury, population, 15 Canterbury district (N.Z.), 354 Canton (China), 716, 718, 727 Canton (Ohio), 387, 525 Cape Coast Castle (Gold Coast), 230 Cape of Good Hope, province of :—

— Administrator, 208

— agriculture, 211

— area and population, 202, 208

— banks, 212


Cape of Good Hope, births, deaths and marriages, 209

— books of reference, 212

— charitable institutions, 210

— commerce, 211

— communications, 207

— constitution & govt., 200, 208

— copper, 212

— customs valuation, 211

— defence, 204

— diamonds, 212

— emigration and immigration, 209

— finance, 204, 210

— gold, 212

— instruction, 210

— irrigation, 211

— justice and crime, 210

— local government, 208

— money, weights, and measures,


— occupations of the people, 209

— pauperism, &c., 210

— production and industry, 211

— religion, 210

— representation, 200, 201

— towns, 209

— troops at, 98, 204

— university, 203

— wheat, 211

— wine, 211 Cape Haiti, 967

Cape Lopez (Fr. Congo), 828 Cape Mount (Liberia), 1035 Cape Palmas (Liberia), 1035, 1036 Cape Town, 201, 203, 208 ; university,

208 Cape Verde Islands, 1156, 1157 Caqueta Territory (Colombia), 740 Carabobo (Venezuela), 1355 Caracas, 1355, 1356 Carapegua (Paraguay), 1119 Carasara (Bolivia), 682 . Carbonear (Newfoundland), 280 Carchi (Ecuador), prov., 770 Cardenas (Cuba), 751

I Cardiff, 15 ; College, 29 ; Port, 68, 82 Cargados Islands, 186 Carib race (Dominica), 288

1 Carinthia, area and population, 624

I — representation in Reichsrath, 622,

in provincial Diet, 623

Carlisle, college, 29

I Carnegie Trust, 29

4 T 2