Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu/1540

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THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1913


Netherlands, instruction, 1069

— justice and crime, 1070

— manufactures, 1076

— mining, 1076

— ministry, 1066

— money and credit, 1080

— money, weights, measures, 1081

— navy, 1074

— pauperism, 1070

— political parties, 1065

— ports, 1078

— posts and telegraphs, 1078-9

— production and industry, 1075

— railways, 1078

— reigning Queen, 1064

— religion, 1068

— royal family, 1064

— shipping and navigation, 1077

— States-General, 1065

— towns, 1068

— tramways, 1079

— Universities, 1069

— wheat, 1075

Neuchatel, 1288, 1290 ; town, 1291 Neufahrwasser, shipping, 884 Neu Hanover (Pacific), 896 Neuilly, 782 Neukolln (Prussia), 861 Neu Lauenburg (Pacific), 896 Neu Mecklenburg (Pacific), 896 Neu Pommem (Pacific), 896 Neuquen (Argentina), ]>rov. , 601 Neustadt (Germany), 939 Neu Strelitz (Germany), 922 Nevada, area and pop., 383, 504

— charity, 504

— constitution and govt., 379, 504

— finance, 504

— forests, 505

— Indians, 504

— instruction, 505

— mining, 406

— production and industry, 505

— public lands, 399

— religion, 504

— representation, 379, 504 Nevis I. (W.I.), 286, 287, 288 Newark, N.J., 387, 508 Newar race (Nepal), 1062 New Bedford (Mass.), 387, 481 New Britain (Conn.), 440

New Brunswick, agriculture, 248, 265

— area and population, 242, 265


New Brunswick, commerce, 266

— constitution & gov., 240, 241, 265

— finance, 246, 265

— fisheries, 249, 265

— instruction, 244, 265

— live stock, 265

— manufactures, 250, 265

— mining and minerals, 265

— political parties, 265

— railways, 266

— religion, 244

— representation, 240, 241, 265

— towns, 265

New Caledonia, 790, 815, 849 Newcastle (N.S.W.), 307 Newcastle-on-Tyne, pop., 16

— Colleges, 29

Newchwang (China), 718, 726, 732 Newfoundland, agriculture, 282

— area and pop. , 280

— banks, and saving banks, 282

— books of reference, 282

— commerce, 281

— exports and imports, 281

— finance, 281

— fishing and fishing rights, 280,


— government and ministry, 280

— instruction, 280

— mining, 282

— paper and pulp mills, 282

— political parties, 280

— posts and telegraphs, 282

— production, 282

— railways, 282

— religion, 280

— shipping, 281

— whaling, 281

New Georgia Is. (Pacific), 370 New Guinea, Brit., 293, 295, 350

— Dutch, 1083, 1084

— German, 890, 895

New Hampshire, agriculture, 507

— area and population, 382, 399, 606

— charity, 506 •

— constitution and govt, 379, 505

— defence, 507

— finance, 507

— instruction, 506

— live stock, 507

— production and industry, 507

— railways, 508

— religion, 506