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Religion. The Following are the Religious Statistices Of 1911.


Religion. Total Population Hindus Sikhs Jains Buddhists Parsis Muhammadans Christians Jews Animistic Others.

313,523,981 217,586,920 3,014,466 1,248,182 10,721,449 100,100 66,623,412 3,876,196 20,980 10,295,168 37,108

PROVINCES. 244,267,542 163,621,454 2,171,908 458,578 10,644,409 86,155 57,423,866 2,492,277 18,524 7,348,024 2,347

1. Ajmer-Merwara 501,395 389,436 922 20,302 — 262 81,035 5,432 27 3,979 —

2. Andamans & Nicobars 26,459 9,527 455 — 1,597 — 4,580 566 2 9,711 21

3. Baluchistan. 414,412 26,511 5,290 10 14 166 377,333 5,030 57 — 1

4. Bengal 52,668,269 40,289,843 4,209 7,857 51,088 619 9,385,763 319,384 1,992 2,605,992 1,522 |- 5. Bombayl (Presidency) 19,672,642 14,922,965 11,887 212,319 691 80,980 4,024,485 235,246 15,081 170,355 643 |- 6. Burma 12,115,217 389,679 6,693 495 10,384,579 300 420,777 210,081 1,024 701,473 116 |-

7. Cen. Provinces & Berar 13,916,308 11,497,460 2,201 70,258 9 1,728 564,909 34,697 125 1,744,921 — |- 8. Coorg 174,976 138,922 — 97 — 34 13,143 3,553 — 19,227 — |- 9. E. Bengal and Assam 34,018,527 12,093,940 935 5,187 200,768 31 20,157,345 106,389 27 1,453,903 2 |-

10. Madras 41,405,404 36,806,978 7 26,995 693 488 2,740,408 1,191,259 71 638,463 42.

11. North-West Frontier Province (Districts and Administered Territories)

2,196,933 119,942 30,345 4 — 49 2,039,994 6,585 14 — — |- |12. Punjab 19,974,956 6,682,818 2,093,804 39,637 4,190 626 10,955,721 198,106 54 — — |-

13. United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 47,182,044 40,253,433 15,160 75,427 780 872 6,658,373 177,949 50 — — |- STATES AND AGENCIES. 69,256,439 53,965,466 842,558 789,604 77,040 13,945 9,199,546 1,383,919 2,456 2,947,144 34,761 |- 14. Baluchistan States

15. Baroda State

396,432 11,843 3,100 2 4 381,428 55 2,032,798 1,697,750 90 43,462 7,955 160,887 7.203 40 16. Bengal States 115,411 17. Bombay States 4,538,161 7,411,675 6,055,051 3,797,979 51 763 1,446 1 199,133 38,530 499,952 306 1,191 277,643 1 2,585 18. Central India Agency. 877,431 12,411 1,028 149,879 34,455 9,356,980 8,262,786 1,384 87,471 1,330 19. Cent. Provinces States 20. Eastern Bengal and Assam States 511,200 9,358 57 483,394 2,117,002 1,311,420 136 1,159 29 20,120 38,704 745,434 575,835 359,480 11 112 6,004 79,457 270 21. Hyderabad State 130,501 13,374,676 11,626,355 4,726 21,026 20 1,529 1,380,990 54,296 12 22. Kashmir State 285,722 3,158,126 690,390 31,553 345 36,512 31 2,398,320 975 23. Madras States 4,811,841 3,321,757 150 16 10 24. Mysore State 314,498 1,154,209 1,248 19,953 5,806,193 5,340,973 293 17,630 622 101 25. North West Frontier 314,494 59,844 40 72,196 | | | | | Province (Agencies and Tribal areas). 13,538 2,686 1,114 26. Punjab States 9,605 133 - 4,212,794 2,090,803 789,925 27. Rajputana Agency 10,530,432 8,753,919 8,958 7,138 332,397 3,500 27 1,319,756 1,645 2 342 985,825 28. Sikkim 4,256 87,920 58,675 28,915 ] 44 20. United Provinces States 285 832,036 583,599 26 308 246,358 1.745 || || 31 444,702 A | | | | K

1 Including Sind and Aden.