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Defence 1105
Production and Industry 1106
Commerce 1107
Shipping and Navigation 1109
Internal Communications 1109
Money and Credit 1110
Money, Weights, and Measures 1111
Diplomatic Representatives 1111
Books of Reference 1112
OMAN 1113
Government 1115
Area and Population 1115
Education 1115
Finance 1116
Production 1116
Commerce, Shipping and Communications 1116
Panama Canal 1117
Diplomatic and Consular Representatives 1117
Books of Reference 1118
Constitution and Government 1118
Area and Population 1119
Religion, Instniction, Justice 1119
Finance 1120
Defence 1120
Production and Industry 1120
Commerce 1121
Communications 1121
Money and Credit 1122
Money, Weights, Measures 1122
Diplomatic and Consular Representatives 1122
Books of Reference 1122
Reigning Shah 1124
Constitution and Government 1124
Area and Population 1126
Religion 1127
Instruction 1127
Justice 1128
Finance 1128
Defence 1129
Production and Industry 1130
Commerce 1131
Money and Credit 1133
Communications 1133
Money, Weights, and Measures 1135
Diplomatic Representatives 1136
Books of Reference 1136
Constitution and Government 1138
Area and Population 1138
Religion 1140
Instruction, Justice 1140
Finance 1141
Defence 1142
Agriculture, Industry 1142
Commerce 1143
Shipping and Navigation 1144
Internal Communications 1144
Money and Credit 1145
Money, Weights, and Measures 1145
Diplomatic Representatives 1145
Books of Reference 1146
Area and Population 1147
Religion 1149
Instruction 1150
Justice and Crime 1150
Finance 1150
Defence 1151
Production and Industry 1152
Commerce 1153
Shipping, Navigation, and Internal Communications 1155
Money, Weights, and Measures 1155
Diplomatic Representatives 1156
Dependencies 1156
Books of Reference 1160
Relation to Italy 1163
Supreme Pontiff 1163
College of Cardinals 1164
Patriarchates 1166
Archbishoprics 1166
Bishoprics 1166
Sacred Congregations 1167
Books of Reference 1167