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THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1913

Jasues— continued

Year ended

March 31,


Year fiided

March 31,


Advances on the Credit of Ways and Means- Treasury Bills

Otiier Advances

3,000,000 1,800,000

230,560,193 6,329,160

£ 7,100,000 2,000,000

229,083,700 11,468,591

242,895,353 ' 240.552,800

Balances in Exchequer- Bank of England, March 31, 1913, 5,3S9,135Z.; March 31, 1912, 10,623,073L; Bank of Ireland, March 31, 1913, 940,025L; March 31, 1912, 845,518?

Duchy of C or )iwall.— The total receipts in the year 1912 (including a balance of 12,951L brought forward from 1911) were 156,726L The payments made on account of the Prince of Wales amounted to 81,350/. Other disbursements in 1912 amounted to 57,930L, leaving a balance of 17, 445L carried forward.

Duchy of Lancaster.— The tot&l receipts in 1912, including balances brought forward from 1911, were 102,227/. The payments made (for His Majesty's use) to the Keeper of His Majesty's Privy Purse were 64,000L


Army Estimates.— The estimated expenditure (net) on the Army for 1913-14 amounts to 28 920 doOL, as against 27,860,000/. for 1912-13. The number of men provided for m 1913-^4 is 18'5.600, as against 186,600 in 1912-13. ^ , e .- i on

Strength of the Army. —The annual Report on the Army for the year ended Septeinber 30, 191'> gives the following statement showing the establishment and strength of the Regular Army, Army Reserve, Special Reserve, and Territorial Force; of the Militia, and Militia Reserve Division; and of the Colonial Militia and Volunteers, on 1st October, 1912.

All Ranks

Regular Army: — Regimental Establishments British 1 . . . . Indian 3 . . . . Staff and Departments and Miscellaneous Establish- ments

Army Reserve . . . . Special Reserve . . . . Territorial Force: — Territorial Officers, N.C.O.'s and Men 5 . . . . Permanent Staffs . Territorial Force Reserve .


Establishment j (Army Estimates) i

180,953 2 75,886


139,000 J


314,363 2,809


176,951 76,811

Wanting to complete



Supernu- merary


2,555 I 139,077 I —

58,954: 30,959

262,240 I 52,126 2,791 I 18

1,191 I —




Militia Reserve Division

150 6

775 113


1 Thi? includes Indian Native Troops employed in the Colonies and North China also includes the Regular Establishment of the Special Reserve. „„„, -^^^i ^^„p„„ ^f

2 This includes 3,800 N.C.O.'s aad men to cover "temporary and occasional excess of establishments in all arms." ^ , , ^ .. .„,„„

?SS1^;?^S^Jm\SSS^S^Sl^S::ir Sve^Sd reach between

'^'^^i^'iUk^^l'^'k^ishr.enU are the revised Establishments in force on 1st October, 1912, not those given in Army Estimates ^^'^ fibres include the Isle of Man Volunteers. They also include both Permanent Staff and ^^f-\\tona Officers for Offic^^^^^^ Training Corps, the numbers being:-Territorial Officers, establishment 943 and .tre^^^^^ 688;. Permanent Staff, establishment, 13 adjutants and 52 serjeants: stiength, 10

'^^6 TWs iTtlietst'Sted maximum number during the year; the force is gradually expiring.