Area and Population.
Old Greece (before 1912) comprises continental Greece, the Peloponnesus to the south of the Gulf of Corinth, the Aegean Island of Eubu-a, the Cy- clades (about 220 islands, iucluding Syra, Naxos, Andros, Tinos, Mikonos, Thermia. Seriphos, Paros, ami Amorgos), the Sporades Islands (about 20), and the islands in the Ionian Sea, including Corfu, /.ante, Santa Maura, and Cephalonia.
New Greece consists of Macedonia, Epulis, Crete, and the other Aegean Islands.
At the census of 1879 Greece had a population (including that of The&aaly in 1881) of 1,973,768 : in 1889, 2,18S.00S ; in 1896, 2,433,806; on October 27, 1907, 2,631,952. In 1896 the population consisted of 1,266,816 males and 1,166,990 females; in 1907, 1,321,942 males and 1,307,010 femalea <dd territo .765,000. The area of Old Greece
was about 25,014 square miles, and thus had about 105 inhabitants to the square mile. The population of the nomes or departments into which Greece is divided is as follows : —
Divisions of Olii Territory
Divisions of New Territory
-US IWi )
Population (Provisional Census 1913
Attica and Bceotta . 407,003
Pluitiotis a:
Acarnania and .Etolia
Acbaia and Elis
Argolis and C*rinthia
Arcadia ... 1(
Laconia ...
. . Gubcen ... 11 Cyclades ... Corfu .... Cephalonia Zante .... Larissa ... Trikkala Arta .... ij.441
Mated i n Salonica . S^rres Drama Knzani Fiorina .
Epirut : — Yanina .
■ Uland* : — Mytilene
Heraclion (Candia). Sfakia ... Lasithion Rethyinnos .
Total new territories
110,014 25,027 62,611 61.33<>
Total. . .',643,109
The acquisition of new territories by Greece, obtained as the result of
ir with Turkey from October 17, 1912, to May 30, 1913, and with
Bulgaria from June 30, to August 10. 1913, gave the country a total area
of 41,933 square miles with an estimated total population (1914) of 4,821,300.
The new territory is 16,919 square miles in extent.
The Powers, in accordance with the Treaties of London and of Athens, have
decided thu : ,\\\ retain all those Aegean islands which she occupied
during the war, except Imbros, Tenedos, and Castellorizzo, which were to be
ed to Turkey. In the meantime Greece is in occupation of all the islands.
T'u. -.• lui-lui'.r Crete and Samos.
As a result ol the Great War of 1914 IS, Greece, with the consent of the Allied and Associated Powers, baa occupied part of Bulgarian (Western) Thrace