Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1039

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There are 31 post offices. Haiti joined the Postal Union in 1880. Length of telegraph lines, 124 miles.

Money, Weights, and Measures.

The Banque National de la Repnbliqiu d'Haiti, established October 21, 1910, with a capital of 10,000.000 francs, undertakes to render serrices to the Government in respect of loans and other matters. In 1916, the National City Bank of New York purchased control over this bank. In 1918 the American Foreign Banking Corporation, and in 1919 the Royal Bank of Canada each established a branch at Port-au-Prince.

The Gourd*, or dollar, nominal ralue, 4*. Nickel coins are 50-, 20-, 10- and 5-centime pieces, and bronze 3-, 2-, and 1 -centime pieces. The money in circulation consists of paper money, 8,289,312 gourdes; nickel coins, 7,000,000 gourdes ; bronze coins, 225,000 gourdes ; total, 15,514,812 gourdes. It is estimated there are also 2,100,000 dollars in American gold in circulation. The bank notes are to be issued by the Banque Nationale de la Republique d'Haiti' under the control of the Haitian Government. In 1917 the premium on gold as against Haitian gourdes was stationary at 400 per cent., at which rate the local curren-y will probably be stabilized. On August 19, 1912, a law was approved providing for the withdrawal from circulation within two years of 6,000,000 gourdes.

The metric svstem of weights and measures came into use official' Oetober 1, 1920.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Haiti is Great Britain.

Secretary of Legation. — Abel Theard, Charge d'Affaires Consul. — Maurice Erdmann.

There are Consuls at Belfast, Cardiff, Cork, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Southampton, Grimsby, Dundee, Glasgow.

2. Or Great Britain in Haiti.

Minister.— Hon. W. Erakine, M.V.O. (Resident in Cuba), Feb. 26, 1913. ViceConsuL— E. D. Watt.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Haiti.

1. Official Publications. Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series. London.

Haiti. Bulletin No. 62 of the Bureau of the American Republics. Washington, lS9i. Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States. 2 YObs. Annual, Washington.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Haiti 1919-1020. Blue Book of Haiti. A Pictorial Review of the Republic of Haiti, including special articles on History. Government, Geography, Comuiercr, and Natural Resources. New York. 1919.

•irdo««» (Eeaubruu), Etudes surl'histoire de Haiti. 10 vols. Paris. 1853-61.

Jubin (E.), En Haiti. Pans, 1910.

Vortunat ( Dante*), Nouvelle geographic de Pile de Haiti. Port-au-Prince.

Janvier (L. J.i, Les Constitutions d'Haiti (1801-18S5) Pari.-:. ISS6. I u Rm ubuqu- d'Haiti. 1*40-62. Paris, 1-

Juttim J ), Etude sur les Institutions Haitiennes. Pari*. lSiM.

Ltger(J. N.). Haiti, Her Historj and Detractors. New York, 1907.

4fa<iiou(N.). Histoirede Haiti. 3 vols. Port-au-Prince

PriUkard (Hesketh), Where Black Rules White. London, 1SO0.

8t. John (Sir Spenser). Haiti, or the Black Republic. 2nd. ed. London, 1S».

Tippenhaver (L. Gentil). Die Insel Haiti. 2 vols. Leipsig, ]