Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1225

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2. Of Great Britain in Persia. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. —Herman C. Norman, C.S.I. Appointed March, 1920.

Councilor.— R. BricUeman, CMC, M.Y.O.

Secretaries.— Y. A. L. Mallet, E. St. J. D. Monson, and C. W. Baxter.

Military Attache:— Lt.-Col M.Saunders, l»S.O.

Financial Adviser to the Persian Government. — Sydney A. Armitage- Smith, C.B.

There are Consular representatives at Teheran, Tabriz (C. \, B Bushire (€. G. i, Bunder Abbas, Meshed (C.-G.), Ispahan (C.-G.), Seistan, Kerman, Mohammerali, Shiraz, Kermanshah, Hamadan, Yezd, Ahwaz, Turbat-i-Haidari, Sultanabad.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Persia- 1. Official Publicati'

Bl*4 Book*.— A Bairs of Persia, December 1906, to November 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, and 1914.

••--rn Persia: an Account of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870-72. 2 vols. 1S76.

Treaty Series, No. 10, 1903. This gives the Commercial Convention of May 27, 1903. The old customs tariff is also given in the Board of Trade Journal (No. 325) for February 19, 1903, and in United States Consular Reports (No. 273) for June, 1503. Trev 34. Convention with Russia relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Thibet. 1907.

Foreign Office Reports. (On the trade of Bushire, Lingah. Bunder Abbas, Mohammerah and other ports in the Persian Gulf. On Kerinausliah. On the trade of Resht, and of Meshed. Annual Series. London.

Persia No. 1(1919). Agreement between H.B.M. Go»ernment and the Persian Govern- ment, August 9, 1919.

J. Non-Official Publications.

The Persia Magazine ( No. 1. February, 1981). London.

Bert(F. B.\ Through Persia from the Gulf to the Caspian. London, 1909.

Browne (E. G.). A Year amongst the Persians. London, 1393.— The Revolution in Per»in. London, 1910.

Chirol (Sir Valentine), The Middle Eastern Question. London. 1904.

Cretton (W. P.), Persia. London. 1906.

Cvrzo* (Lord), Persia and the Persian Question. [Chap. I. contains an account of European literature relating to Persia (900-1891) and there are bibliographical footnote* throughout the volumes.] 2 vols. London, 1892.

Frater (David), Persia and Turkey in Revolt. London, 1910.

Grothe (11.), Wanderungen in Persien. Berlin, 1910.— Zur Natur und Wirtsehaft voo Vorderas-ien. I. Persien. ~ Frankfurt, 1911.

Hale (F.), From Persian Uplands. London, 1920.

Hedin (Dr. Sven), Overland to India. 2 Vols. London, 1910.

i./ax«a(A. I.), Journey to the North Persian Kurdistan. (In Russian.) Petrogiad, 191"..

Jack'on (A. WW ), Persia. Past and Present : a Book of Travel and Research. London, 1906.

•/un<;(K.t. Die Wi.tsehaftliclien Verhallnisse Persiens. Berlin, 1910.

Landor ( EL S. i. Across Coveted Lands. 2 vols. London, 1902.

La»ard(SrH. A.). Early Adventnre* in Persia, Ac. New ed. 2 vols. London, 1894.

LiitemWiH.elni), P«-i>icn. Berlin, .

Malcolm (N.i. Kive Years in a Persian Town (Ye7.d). London, 1905.

tfoore(A.), The Oiient Kipress. London, 1V14.

PumpeUj) (11.), Explorations in Turkestan, [with Eastern Persia and Sistanl. Washing- ton, 1905. fe

Bawluuon (G.), History of Ancient Persia Vol. IV. of the History of the Ancient Monarchies of the East. London. 1868.— The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy. London 1876

Shmter (W. MA The Strangling of Persia. London. 1*12.

Stillman (C. H.). The Suhject* of the Shah. London, 1902.

Slrange (G. Le>, The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate. Cambridge, 1905.

S»fc*«(EilaC.), Persia and its People. London, 1910.

Sykei (P. M.), Ten Thousand Miles in Persa. London, 1902.— A History of Peuis 1 vols. (New edition) London. 1981.

Warttt (Dorothy de, Baroness d'Hennallei, Peei>s into Persia. Loudon, 1913.

WilI*(Dr. C. J.), The Land of the Lion and Sun. London, 1883.— Persia ax it U 1-ondon, 1886

>'ar< (C. K). Khurasan and Sistan. Londoa, 1900.