Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1234

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1182 PERU

deposits amounting to over 200,000/. The Anglo-South American Bank and the National City Bank of New York opened branches in Peru in 1919. On June 30, 1920, the paid-up capital of all the banks amounted to 1,860,000^., the reserves to 638,000*., and the deposits to 17,121,862?.

Money, Weights, and Measures.

The gold coin is the Libra = the English sovereign. The coinage of gold 5-sol nieces (equivalent to half sovereigns) has been authorised. Silver coins are the Sol (10 soles = 1 libra), ^ sol, \ sol, ^ sol, -^V sol. Bronze coins are 1 and 2 centavo pieces (100 centavos^l sol). Nickel coins are also in circulation.

The Ounce .... — 1 '014 ounce avoirdupois. „ Libra . = 1-014 lb.

,, Quintal . = 101 "44 lb. ,,

. , /of 25 pounds . *= 25'36 ,, ,,

" \ of wine or spirits = 6 '70 imperial gallons.

,, Gallon . . . — 0'74 ,, gallon.

,, Vara . = '927 yard.

,, Square Vara . . . = "835 square yard. The French metric system of weights and measures was established by law in 1869, and is coming into general use, except for the customs tariff. It came into force in Lima and Callao on September 1, 1916.

Diplomatic Representatives.

1. Of Peru in Great Britain.

First Secretary and Chargr d' 'Affaires ad interim.— Guillermo Swayne Mendoza.

Secretary,— t)it. Iticardo Rivera Schreiher, Attache. — Cipriano Laos. Naval Attache. — Commander M. I). Faura, Military Attach*'.— Lt. -Vol. M. Kui/. Bravo. Consul- General (London). — A. Ayulo.

There are Consular representatives at Belfast, Cardiff, Dublin, Dundee. (Jlasgow, Liverpool, Qucenstown, Southampton, and other places.

2. Of Great Britain in Peru.

Envoy and Minister. — Arthur < J rant Duff. (1920.) Commercial Secretary. — F. W. Manners. Consul at Callao. — H. A. Richards.

There are a Vice-Consul at Callao, a Consul at Iquitos, Vice-Consuls at Lima, Arequipa, Mollondo, SalavetTV ami Paita districts.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Peru.

1. Official Publications.

Official Puldicalion relating to I'ntiiinay.i, fed '»'o|. lot»d« I ..yes. I >.■<•! <■!.•--.

Kesoluciones y otros Uoenmmrws oiii'iaii-s referente nl Departatoento fa Low to. 1 Carlo* i.uir.iijure y Correa. xviil. vol:.

The. I hi lil km t ion v. of II" 1 va 18 Govern ui Departinen

Uc]. oits on the Trade of Peru In Kotcign Office Reports, Annual Series. London.

I'.i u-iioliv i:i liinindai\ Commissi. >;,, 191] W1B. Reports Of ttl« British » Ulicrs of Uie IVmviaii Cuiimiissioii. Diplomatic Meiiniranda. :r, ,1 Map.-, i>l tin- Uoimdary Son*. Edited for the Government pf Peru |.\ the H >ynl Geographical Society of London. London, 1916.